Queen Defender of the faith: 777


Wednesday, November 16, 2011


November 16, 2011 @ 5:55 p.m.
In Surrey British Columbia
Royal Crescent

Liber 777 -2
an attempt to systematize
The Golden Dawn
data of mysticism
and inner spirituality
communicating with spirits
a higher power 

Fortunately we have learnt to combine affirmation of contraries, that transcending of the laws of intellect, genius  from our understanding. the number six, who cannot conceive of the fourth dimension, the Absolute—all these are one; the Divine Essence :Macroprosopus, the Absolute ; we never grasp it; Am I no better ?

to tabulate knowledge 
in some of its parts
the “Art” 
the very artificial effusions of the esoteric spirit
these systems
concentrate the substance of twenty thousand pages
serious attempts of Comparative Religion
literary charmof human language
the properties of four-sided triangles
 inter-relation: Arcanum
confide manuscripts
The secrets of Adepts asks for the Truth; the Alphabet of Mysticism 
The question of sacred alphabets; the nature of woman
the English T is clearly equivalent in sound to the Hebrew ת, the Greek Τ, the Arabic تand the Coptic t, but the numeration is not the same
with the title of creator, sectarianism has drawn false distinctions between identical gods for polemical purposes
so she is all of these; spiritual conception; medieval battleground
the definitions of all our terms vary

 All symbolism is perhaps ultimately so; there is no necessary relation in thought between the idea of a mother, the sound of the child’s cry “Ma,” and the combination of lines ma. This, too, is the extreme case, since “ma” is the sound naturally just produced by opening the lips and breathing. Hindus would make a great fuss over this true connection; but it is very nearly the only one. All these beautiful schemes break down sooner or later, mostly sooner.

as a perfect sacrament; closing its pages
sustain us in the search for the Quintessence
True Wisdom, and Perfect Happiness.

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