Queen Defender of the faith


Tuesday, December 11, 2012

So celebrated scholars in their appearance to the world of philosophy, this new genius, favorable
ble to dreams and mysticism accessible to intelligence, easy to carry in its development, not requiring
mind trying to guess which an application com-
nary, and especially combining beautifully in its trends,
these instinctive worship that was dedicated to the Florentine sym-
bol and matter. Just as he had done Gemistus know some fragments of Platonic doctrines, Flo-
ence, represented by its humanist and artist, hastened
abandon Aristotle, Nicolas V, the testimony of Bes-
Sarion had spread and recommended reading, confident
translation of works of the philosopher skilled scripture
vain (i). The Medici took under their protection Plato, who
followed the fortunes of his patrons, and left Florence when
people had banished them.

When we conçûmes project to describe this great revolt against the faith of our fathers called Reformation, we pensâmes that our duty was to visit the countries that had the cradle. We were anxious to learn if these theologians, Most monks who fought Luther had been, as he dared to say, deprived of heaven, if God had abandoned given creatures he had raised to defend his Church, if the truth had to athletes as intelligen- these private reason, and we were happy, exhuming dust legion of noble defenders of the Catholic ism, to see that we had been deceived, and the world with us, that the word of Eckius, Faber, of Prierias was as splendid as Luther was dull, and the lit-tion from above had not missed more than courage to all those noble knights in Jesus Christ. Actually, we repu-gnait to believe that their devotion to our old mother had not been rewarded in this life.

We sought to study seriously the papacy under two kinds of aspects, as occurred in the Renaissance: as the daughter of Christ in all its functions spi-ritual, as his worldly power in all human acts. We will see in these two representations re-create the letters, based gyms, raising chairs to various sciences, earth digging in search of statues in the contemplation of art which will be of a new form, call the Greeks expelled of Constantinople, and splendidly to accommodate the Esquiline, promote the movement of Plato imaginations to give PonR canvas walls of the Sistine Chapel to the great painters of the time, staying in aConvent of poor German workers, bringing in Italy the beautiful art of printing that Leo X called a new light Velle from heaven; build a palace for the books, afor other statues, a third for the tables; researchersexpensive beyond the seas manuscripts of ancient writers;awaken the language of David, Homer and Virgil frankingchir thought; give the speech a freedom she enjoyed anywhere, and when she is forced to use his sword to establish national liberties and tearpeoples of the continent Italian foreign yoke. Luther told Leo X: "You are now like a lamb among wolves, like Daniel in the midst of lions, as Ezekiel among the scor-pins (i). ))And yet the Saxon court knew of the pontiff. Wetake place among the consistory red dresses who formed the procession of the Pope tell us the titles of theseprinces of the Church to the admiration of letters and love Christians, and Ton will see how we would have been unfortunate mistake by leaving us the feigned compassion of the monk.It adds a few lines later: "To all those unbelievers around you, qu'opposerez you? two or three cardinals, men of faith and science (2). "(1) Epistola ad Lutheriana Leonem ultimate pontificem, Witt., I 520, in-4 ^(2) Epistola Lutheriana.Preface. IXTwo OR three! When we followed Cajetan in his travels through Italy Christian, we're sitting in the little room where Adrien de Louvain U-Utrecht sharing with the poor child receives the bread of his father for his daily food, when we visited the shady forest of Viterbo where Leo X researchers will Egidius expensive to decorate the Roman purple, we have attended receptions in Rome, Cardinal Grimani,Erasmus called the splendor of the Church of Christ, we will see if we will not have any other namesquote? Luther forget why he CESIO Paul Emile, who often said: better than lacking the necessarylet others suffer? Boniface deVerceil Ferreri, who maderaise its fees college in Bologna, which Eras-Campeggi I celebrated the virtues of the bishop of Alba, Vida, who livedthat roots Giberti, the father of the poor and scholars,as he was called to Rome? It will be well allowedwake up from their graves these holy shadows to remember a time their apostolic work. Leo X was unfortunate he has not escaped the moreslander than praise of the Reformation praise, interms it is worded, would do more harm to the memory of the Pope even insulting.

The session finished a meal Tombre pines Italy delightfully finished the evening then at night, the poet, we speak of the prince, wrote to you ^ where we find the philosophical ideascal of the time: "For you, divine providence, the soul enters the world)) then spread in each of the members of the"Great body. )) Anything in this beautiful animal moves, moves only "by a single law, three natures hidden in the soul"Nice."The two natures, the purest, the kindest, the)) more worthy of taking home their movement form"Two large circles in uniting them. "Far from you, my God, no cause is capable of pro-"Produce the material, always eager for new forms (2)." It was not enough of all these tributes: Laurent wanted instituât that, as at the time of Porphyry and Plotinus(I) in agro Laurentio Medice cum cum eo deambalanlem multa mys-teria ullro citroque fuisse interpretatum. Epist. t. I, p. 30.(2) Per the slew Providenza fai, is infonda* The anima in gran dei Mezzo corpo, dondeConviene in tutti membri if diffonda.Ci6 cbe muove is not so muove altrondeIn animal SI bello e be kindQuest'aniraa gentile in sè nasconde.The più due degne, e più gentili pure Da sè movendo due gran cercbi fanno, In sè medesme ritornando pure.Do you alcuna fuor di causa rimuova Che is a formar questa materia Avida sompre form of aver nuove. Rime di Lorenzo de'Medici coronation, Firenze, 1630, p. 48. - Roscoe, vol. III. App. n *> CXLVlï, p. 489. Paris, 1808.LAURENT THE MAGNIFICENT. 9a party eil honor of Plato. Annnée a day, 13 November (i), at an agreed time, all scholars, priests andlaymen, who had defected to Aristotle, Rassem-blaient in a villa of the Grand Duke. At the end of an avenue of trees, was carried by a marble base, and a neck-gold crown on the head, the bust of Plato, whose Jérôme Ros-rio dePistoie had given him (2). In the middle of a vasttable, around which sat the guests, dinnersplendid was served, and after the meal began hymns in honor of the philosopher. The theologian was hole-worm in these songs, and these canzoni laude, frequent offenses to Catholic dogma (3), the logician, the insul-Free your representative this reason, god that e-School did not worship in vain for centuries, buthistorian, in his enthusiasm for the imagination morecolorful ancient Greece seeks meeting and the explana-tion of the intellectual movement that grows Florence es-UMIC research to the laws of beauty, sentiment in the arts, worship of matter, of the work of the so-ferventpany which has a double problem: Taffranchissementof scholasticism and the redemption of art. This double re-uplift could not have happened without the rehabilitation of the form, previously neglected. But this form, which antiquity had been in possession, it was the pagan naturalism. The worldold, found by Ficino, Poliziano by by Valori by Scala, and all these scholars that Lawrence had called to his court, was a sensual world. No wonder therefore, with Mr. Rio (4), the masterpiece, has asked the Pallajuolotwelve labors of Hercules to Ghirlandaio, the history of ill-hours of Vulcan to Luca Signorelli, gods and goddesses
"I hear that Your Holiness is the intention to create
soon new cardinals, I would be guilty if I reminded you, at this point, titles of this city and
mine also the kindness of your bliss ... I con-nese your arrangements caring towards my family, and I
thank you humbly. I can assure your Sain-sanctity that nothing would be sweeter to my father's heart, nothing
happier to Florence, the hat I asked for my son without this great favor, I do not see how Your Holiness could reward my departure devotion to his person, and prove to the world that I am
not unworthy of his favor. '
He apologized, ending his letter, what a hand
stranger had drawn lines he had not written because
he had a sore right hand (i).
Innocent VIII could not long resist Laurent prayers and wishes of Cardinal Ascanio (2) and vice-chan-
Chancellor of the Church, Roderic Borgia (5). October 9, 1488, a courier brought the Beautiful One
ticket Cardinal d'Angers, hastily written and reads as follows: "Beautiful and dear brother, salvation. Good news for your
son, for you, Florence Jean was created cardinal with the title of Santa Maria in Domenica. I can not tell you my joy (e). "Never father had been happier than Lawrence evening
the good news, the buildings of Florence were illu-
mined, and the Grand Duke spent the night to announce this event-ment to his many friends. ((Really, he wrote Lanfredini, his ambassador, I

His father, lord of Mirandola, wanted him to study in Bologna. Canon law was taught at this university,could appeal to the imagination like hers. Pic did mait over all air and freedom. He closed his books and ran the world. Like Luther, a few years later,he traveled on foot, without other compass the day the horizon, and at night the stars and the knapsack on back, ba-ton pilgrim hand. But while the son of minor Mœhra stopped at the bottom of each window to askthe bread of God (i), the son of Gianfrancesco, the exchangefull, joyful heart, sure of Providence and its che-min, wandering adventure, mingling with these schoolchildren Processionsincluding roads scholars were embarrassed, sleepingunder the canvas tent that was the Bohemian profession saythe future, or astride a horse trooper had soldto live. Everywhere he spent his money foolishly, ruininghis health, undermined its existence in the middle of this so-ciety of moving glass, blacksmiths, wizards, bour-Reaux, gravediggers, magistrates, priests, of young girls, he studied the customs, habits, super-stitions, giving half of his gold for a few pages of the grammar of a language he learned along the way, andhe spoke in a few months. This life of peril,sensations, elation, physical movement and spiritualitylists suited madly in love with this young cloudy and elusive ghost that is called, in the language of physics, wisp, and glory of the artist. Walking,poor young man, since walking is your punishment, but when the time comes. God will stop you! Unfortunately, like all kinds vain. Pic loved to listen to praise and let himself into the trap of flattery. He traveled, as usual, whenhe saw a caravan coming from afar Israelites with long beards and flowing robes, who went from town to town Fri-dre manuscripts collected in their travels. We sit on the grass, we talk, we fight. Pic is in the en-0) Mathesius, Vita lutheri. - History of Luther, M. Audin, 1. 1, ch.l.PIC OF THE MIRANDOî ^ E "51enchantment. He has sixty codices Hebrew, composed by Ezra, and which contain, he was told, the arcane cabalistic philosophy (i). At that time curious in-vestigations, it was an opinion accredited, the Jewish people kept hidden in books closed to outsiders, the doctrine of the Magi of the old law. As Faust Goe-the, Pic expected to find in a parchment "the source wherethe soul can quench his eternal thirst. )> 11 had no idea that in-core mysteries beyond human life, his destiny, his future is written in golden letters in a book that Christ left us dying: the Gospel was his feet, and he does not stooped to pick it up. Imagine the joy of our Ahasuerus, when the price of everything he had gold in his leather purse, he thought himself in possession of secretswhich, in turn, it might give alms to his fellows, as he was generous as it is his age. We guesshe had been deceived (2). These traditions of Ezra were a mass of glosses stolen from the Talmud, the writings of dreamers Arabia and Greece, but it was for himgold and light. So here he is happy to take the path of the capital of the Christian world. This is where he pro-poses a coterie will invite all philosophical intelli-ments of Europe (3). At Rome, where Innocent VIII reigned,patron of letters, Pic was greeted with enthusiasm. itsurprised the Pope, the Sacred College, the scholars, by his knowledgelexical, he answered in Hebrew, Chaldean, Greek,in Latin, and in almost all the languages ​​alive. Without per-dre a moment, he began to formulate nine hundred theses, each CUNE made various proposals, he threw as challenges, not the world of black dresses that ba-layaient banks of the school, but in the world of theologians,priests, philosophers. There was in these theories of physics, natural history, medicine, the theo-ogy, the cabal.


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